21 March, 2011

Effectiveness of Deleted Photo Recovery Program

Photos are something that we like to keep only if they are good to look at or have been taken in a good way. If the photos have not been captured well, i.e. the photo has been shot at low light which is making it look faded in nature. There might also be times, when the photo has been blurred due to excessive shaking of the camera during its capture. In the days when analog cameras were in use, the user needed to be careful, as the photos once removed would mean that that amount of optically sensitive film would be wasted and could not be restored.

However, digital cameras have the facility where the user can delete the photos either on the camera or off it and reclaim the space for capture of different images. However, it is not always that the user ends up deleting the photos intentionally. There are also times when the user ends up deleting the photos accidentally and then wishes that he had not done so. In such cases, a deleted photo recovery tool lets the user to recover the deleted photos. But, recovery of these deleted photos is only possible at certain stages after the photos have been deleted or lost.

In the first stage the files can be recovered using the restore option from the Recycle Bin. However, this can be done in the initial stage when the Delete button has been selected. But this is not the same if the photo has been deleted directly from the memory card. In this case, the photos bypass the Recycle Bin and hence the restore option is of no good in such a situation. But even in such a scenario recovery of photos is vey much possible using a photo recovery tool.

Nevertheless, photo recovery on OS X and Windows is not possible when the photo has been deleted or lost and the storage media on which photo loss has occurred has been used continuously after photo loss. In such a case there are all possibilities that the disk space has been overwritten sometimes once and sometimes multiple numbers of times. This very reason makes photo recovery impossible, as the data has been overwritten. However, this is not the case always, as the disk space is not overwritten sometimes. There are a handful of photo recovery tools that make photo recovery possible even in such a scenario.

Johnn Thomass is a researcher working on disaster management. As part of his research he has published many articles on Photo Recovery OS X steps and procedure to recover deleted data.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Johnn_Thomass

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