18 March, 2011

Review of Disk Doctors Software

Data recovery software is vital to anyone who has inadvertently deleted important data from their hard drives. There's a lot of tools out there that can help you do this, but they're not all created equal. Here we'll be going through all the pros and cons of the Disk Doctors data recovery software, and if it's right for you.

What is Disk Doctors?

Disk Doctors is a data recovery suite that helps people who've lost their data due to hard drive failures or even human error. If you've ever accidentally emptied your recycle bin, had viruses and worms overwrite your hard drive, had a system failure, or even if you overwrote a Windows partition during a fresh install (I know I have), you can use Disk Doctors to get your data back with a few clicks.

How does Disk Doctors Work?

One of the good things about the Windows Operating System is that nothing is ever truly deleted right away. This allows you to recover any documents, pictures, music, and even system files if you have the right kind of tools. If you used something known as a washer, you have less of a chance to get your data back; washers overwrite a deleted file one to seven times so it's difficult to recover, but not completely impossible to retrieve.

Most Data Recovery software will use certain algorithms and techniques to peel back the data layers of your hard drive, searching for the files you've lost. The neat feature that Disk Doctors features is its instant recovery feature; you can browse the file tree for what you're looking for, click on it, and have it back where it belongs in no time. Some programs are really technical and hard to use, but this one is very user friendly and suitable for end users all the way up to a large enterprise that needs a quick solution for data recovery.

What Doesn't Disk Doctors Do?

Disk Doctors can't repair physical hard drive damage, so if the disks or spindle is broken, it can't help you fix that. What is can do though is when you begin to notice the problems of hard drive failure (disks clicking and grinding, or excessive heat from the hard drive), you can pull your files off and put them onto a healthy drive without worrying about loss.
All in all, we really like the interface and usability of the program; it's easy enough for someone who's new to computers to use, and the extensive tools it provides can help even a seasoned sysadmin to recover their data.

The tools it boasts are what you could find in comparable high end products, but with a pricetag that an end user can afford. While it might not be able to recover damage from physical disk failure, it does its job of disk error loss quite well.

Jason Kay recommends reading additional Disk Doctors reviews to help you decide if their data recovery software is right for your needs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Kay

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