20 March, 2011

What to Do When Computer Is Shutting Down by Itself?

Sudden shut down of computer is quite a common problem that more or less we all face. So, if you are going through this similar problem you need to give a bit more attention to your PC maintenance. Or else, there remains a risk to loose vital computer data. Usually, some of the reasons due to which computer gets turned off are mentioned below:

• If a virus infect your PC then this problem may arise.
• Due to the hardware failure also computer may shut down without even notifying the user.
• Corrupted Windows registry is another reason that may arose this similar kind of problem.

So, before opting for a particular remedial option, check out exactly for which reason your computer is giving you such annoyance. Then only you will be able to overcome this problem successfully. However, some of the common ways that may help you to get rid of these undesirable circumstances are listed below:

• Right click on your computer.
• Select Manage from the drop down menu.
• Go to the Event Viewer.

Beside this, there is another way like, you can go to control panel, click twice on the Administrative Tools and thereafter can select the Event Viewer. This is not all; you need to open the Application tabs and the Systems and look for the X errors. After this, do not forget to click on those errors in order to get the details. In fact, if required you can post these information in the search engine with an expectation to get better results.

Running an Anti-Virus Scan

Instead of going through this long procedure you can also run an anti-virus scan. Sometimes it has been seen that viruses are designed for turning off your machine. So, this scanning will definitely help you to fix this issue.

Change/Add RAM

Random Access Memory (RAM) is the other reason that may cause such harm to your system. So, always make sure to check out if your operating system is well-matched with the installed RAM or not. In fact, not only operating system, few advanced applications require more RAM. So, by adding RAM you can sort out this problem.

Fix the Windows Registry

If under any circumstances registry entries get corrupted your application will never going to work out and may ultimately lead to turning off your system. So, if you want to get rid of these problems you have to repair it using PC optimizer software as well as registry cleaner. Still, if the problem persists you can get in touch with a good software company. Hope people working over there can give you expert comments regarding this issue.

Nandini Ghosh is a young Professional Content Writer from India and is currently working with the website development company, Maketick Solutions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nandini_Ghosh

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