17 March, 2011

Microfiche to PDF Conversion

Microfiche as a format is still a very good storage tool for keeping documents in a small and handy place. Obviously this isn't up to today's standards, but in their time they were revolutionary. But these days, companies are taking out their old microfiche collections and looking at converting them to digital and usually the widely-used PDF format.

This is mainly because microfiche readers have become more expensive and harder to get hold of and, more importantly, it is basically a format that has run it's life span and we have moved onto a updated data type. It's not really possible to convert microfiche using a standard scanner so businesses and individuals have been outsourcing them to document scanning and microfiche conversion bureaus.

This makes sense since companies in this sector have invested hundreds of thousands of pounds in order to purchase the latest equipment to be able to process microfiche and microfilms (or microform as they're collectively known) quickly and effectively. This is turn saves time which saves costs overall when completing microfiche to PDF conversion. With top quality scanners, hundreds of microfiche can be scanned and converted each day whilst being watched carefully by a specialist in that field to ensure that everything is alright with the files, the microfiche themselves and the alignment and contrast of the output images. Clean up services are also usually available from these bureaus if required.

Microfiche can be converted into other formats such as TIFF, but PDF is by far the most common, primarily due to it's quality, size and usability; the very foundation of the microfiche in the first place.

When using a company to complete microfiche to PDF conversion, make sure to check out some of their previous work by requesting samples, preferably of your own fiche and also go and see the bureau in action if you are located closely if you are still unsure. If they are a serious company, they will happily allow you to come along and see the process.

Microfiche to PDF conversion is simply the logical way forward as is converting all documents into digital formats. It has become more than a mere luxury and is now essential for a lot of companies for the sake of their efficiency, time and costs.

Steve is marketing manager with Pearl Scan, a document scanning and microfiche conversion company based in the UK. We offer microfiche to PDF conversion using top quality microfiche scanners which can process hundreds of fiche per day with crisp picture quality and quick indexing services.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephen_J_Wright

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