15 March, 2011

When To Proactively Use Your Website Live Help Software

Many people first get website live help software they are very excited about trying it out so that they can see the results quickly. However, there are often problems trying to get the right balance down for your website help software because the problem is that if you use the software too much you will intimidate customers who were browsing fine on their own and got annoyed or distracted by the conversation invitation. On the other hand if you wait too long you risk losing customers you may have been able to save with your live chat invitation which is why finding the perfect timing combination is so important.

Every website is different so chances are good that you will have to experiment quite a bit until you figure out how long to wait before you use your website live help software,but there are industry studies that can help you figure out the best way to start and approach the timing balance so that you can get the balance a lot closer to perfect quicker. In a study that looked at a popular website that utilized its website help software on a regular basis, the store looked at a quadrant system to determine what the perfect length of time is to wait before approaching a customer.

This system takes a look at customer's and the usage of their website help software by identifying four different trigger points and then tests them out throughout the week. At the end of the week the two periods that performed the best are used again the next week to find out what the best timing limit is for approaching customers. On the other hand, the two times that resulted in low sales were dropped altogether.

After a week of testing between the top two times alternating by time and days so that you can track sales during different portions of the day you will know which time limit is best for use with your website live help software.

In addition to running this simple test the website also takes a close look at the language that is used within the website help software chat invitation box. The purpose of doing this is to get an idea of what opening messages work the best based on what they are doing on the website. For instance, this helps you devise different invitations for someone searching for dog collars on your website versus someone that is shopping for dog food since their needs and motive of purchase are different. By differentiating between the two you are more likely to show your customer you care with the website live help software which will make it even more effective.

These are all good ways to start testing to see what your customers will respond to, but you still will need a guideline to get started. After countless professional testing by e-retailers that all contributed to the survey it was found that the sixty second minute was the golden rule for most website help software. While this will not work for every e-commerce website since different products will demand certain amounts of attention, it is a great place to start when you are trying to determine the best website live help software contact time for periods of inactivity.

After extensive testing it was found that when customers were contacted after only being inactive for thirty seconds by the website help software the response to the invitation was low, most likely because consumers were annoyed since they were attempting to read the specifications or product details and were interrupted. On the other hand, when the website live help software contacted people at ninety seconds the response rate was low as well because they had either walked away from the computer or already decided that they were going to look at another website and were no longer interested in anything that could be offered on the first.

While there is no golden answer that will explain what the perfect timing for your website live help software invitations will be, this is a great place to start because it will offer you some structure. You may also want to think about how your website is set up and what you are selling because logistical technical descriptions and long product specs will take longer for consumers to study thus you should allot them more time than simple items such as clothing before sending out a website help software invitation.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alan_R._Jones

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