21 March, 2011

Forgot Windows 7 Password - 6 Effective Methods to Reset

There are many situations in life and work which may lead to or cause password lost in Windows 7. Luckily enough, there are several useful solutions that can be used to reset Win 7 password, for whatever reason you cannot regain access to your computer. Following are listed 6 effective methods that you can make full use of to bypass a lost Windows 7 password.

1. Perform Windows 7 password reset with an administrator account. Users of administrator accounts have full control over the Windows system. They are permitted to install software programs and hardware drivers while entitled to reset password of another user accounts(including other administrator or standard user or guest accounts). So if you forgot a user account password in Windows 7, you can try to reset it through an accessible Windows 7 account with administrator permissions. It's the easiest way.

2. Resort to commercial Windows password recovery tool. Considering the actual needs of Win 7 password recovery when one failed to log on computer, some software providers also offer various commercial recovery tools fully compatible with Windows 7. Here we highly recommend you try Windows Password Breaker if you forgot password and needed a recovery tool, which can help you create a bootable password recovery CD/DVD or USB flash drive to reset it in a few minutes.

3. Seek for free Windows password recovery tool. In addition to commercial software, other free recovery software out there can also help you recover a lost one in Windows 7. If you want to recover Win 7 password without charge, Ophcrack and NT Offline Password & Register, the most popular recovery software, may be your best choice.

4. Reset Windows 7 password with installation disc. If you have a Windows 7 installation disc, it's not a big problem for you to log on your computer again if you get it lost. Just insert the installation disc in computer and boot to the recovery options to do Win 7 password reset. What's more, a system repair disc that also enables you to access the recovery options. But the repair disk need to be created in advance, before your password is lost.

5. Use Windows 7 password reset disk. A forgotten password can be easily reset with a reset disk, you also need to create a reset disk for your Windows 7 account in advance(before you lost it). Please note that many users forgot Win 7 password without having created a password reset disk. If you don't have one, please start to create one right now, you will need it some day.

6. Bypass a lost password with fingerprint logon. Nowadays password is not merely limited to letters, numbers and symbols. It can also be your fingerprint. In Windows 7, fingerprint logon can be easily enabled if you are lucky enough to have a laptop or computer with a biometric sensor, such as a fingerprint reader. If the fingerprint logon enabled, it is easy for you to bypass a forgotten or lost Win 7 password.

If you have lost your Windows 7 password, select one method of the above which adapts your conditions to reset your password. At last, i recommend you to create a password reset disk when you set a Windows 7 log on password, it's a feature in Windows for one to easily reset a lost password.

How to reset a lost Windows 7 password? This 6 efficient solutions are base on Windows 7 password reset, these ways help you easily reset your password when you forgot Windows 7 password.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tee_Landy

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